martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

How to make an oreo cake!!!

25 Oreo cookies
3 tablespoons of butter

-To fill:
190 grs. of cree cheese
1 1/4 cups of sugar
3 table spoons of flour
4 eggs
3 yolks
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 cups of acid cream
15 Oreo cookies

-For garnish:
1 1/2 cups of whip cream
1/# cups of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla
6 or 8 Oreo cookies

How to prepare:
In a blender grind the cookies, add melted butter, mix well.Pour into a mold 10-inch and press to the bottom.Refrigerate while preparing filling.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.In mixer bowl beat cream cheese, add sugar and flour.Add one by one the eggs and yolks.Continue beating, add vanilla and sour cream, try all the ingredients are well incorporated.Pour half the mixture into the pan and arrange the cubes of cake.Pour the remaining mixture (no matter how the pieces of biscuit to rise to the surface, you just have to try to cover them with the same mixture of cheese).Bake at 450 degrees F for 15 minutes.Reduce temperature to 250 ° F and bake for another hour.Cool in pan for 6 hours, stripping, showering with whipped cream with sugar and vanilla and garnish with cookie halves.

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